Having a clear set of core values
When the organisation is having a clear set of values the organisation needs to showcase that openly and honestly. Values need to be showcased throughout the interview process and even before that if it is possible. Having a good set of values will lead the employer to the potential candidates and if the candidate feels comfortable with the environment they will join with the organisation. Each organisation depends on its unique core values and their business strategy is aligned with it. Therefore, it is a must to showcase vales in every candidate touchpoint rather than hanging printed values on the walls. Former VP of Global People Operations at Google Liane Hornsey mentioned that ‘at Google corporation is a critical value, but some other companies they may find success through the competitive atmosphere.’ According to her companies who are pretending to someone else will always fail. You need to come up with authentic values which unique to you and try to incorporate those values with your organisational culture.
Sometimes you may have values, but you may think those values are not working for you. In these types of scenarios, you can always cross-check with your employees asking about the things which they love in their work and what make them keep around with the organisation. Employers need to make sure to showcase and practice these identified vales daily. If you are having personal growth as a value but you do not have budgets for employees to participate in courses there is a huge gap between your corporate image and identity.
Be active and visible on social media
Human resource team in any organisation is responsible for hiring the most suitable candidates for their organisation. To do that they need to actively participate in social media activities. They need to reach out to potential candidates and encourage them to apply for the organisation. Also, it is important to build a reputation through social media. Most importantly you must keep eye on each activity because your reputation can be ruined immediately through social media if you do not handle it properly. Recent studies found that 73% of the millennials found their last job position through social media. Therefore, it is important to be active in every social media platform which related to your business and the industry.
Practising these types of activities will lead you to attract the best talents in any industry you are looking for. You need to always be smart and tactic to choose the perfect match for your organisation.